Dessert Mini Pizzas
Servings Prep Time
8mini-pizzas 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
8mini-pizzas 5minutes
Cook Time
  • 1lb pizza doughdivided into 8 portions
  • olive oil or cooking spray
  • 10oz fat free Ricotta cheese
  • drops of pure vanilla or almond extract
  • 2oz. chopped chocolate
  • 1cup cherries, pitted and slicedor other choice toppings
  • sprinkling of nutsalmonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, etc.
  1. Before heating the grill, brush the grates with olive oil or spray with cooking spray. Pre-heat to medium high.
  2. Mix the ricotta cheese with your sweetener of choice and a few drops of flavored extract.
  3. Prepare toppings … fruit, nuts, chocolate, etc., in separate bowls for easy access.
  4. Roll out the pizza dough into 4″ disks. Lightly brush oil onto each side. (YCNGA Trick – roll the dough out on a piece of floured aluminum foil. Once shaped, carry it to the grill and flip it onto the hot grates)
  1. On medium high heat, grill the pizza disks for about 2 minutes on each side with the grill top open. Reduce the heat to medium and flip the disk with tongs for 1 more minute of grilling.
  2. Remove the dough and top each piece with ricotta, chocolate, cherry slices and other choice toppings.
  3. Returned the mini-pizzas to the grill, close the lid and cook for 2 minutes or until chocolate has melted.
  4. Serve warm with any extra toppings or sauces… and a side of ice cream!
Recipe Notes

Consider adding:  chocolate spread (Nutella) for additional sauce, marshmallows, fresh mint, powdered sugar or Truvia, fresh whipped cream, a pinch of cinnamon, raisins.


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