Service Territoryrevenflo2023-06-06T10:56:44-04:00 NEWS & INFO. Keep Up-To-Date » LOCATION & HOURS Find Us » BUSINESS STRUCTURE Board Meetings Info » RATES & FEES Learn More » ABOUT YCNGAFinancial Reports Business Structure Rates and Fees New Customer Contact Us Service Territory Interested in having gas extended to your neighborhood? Fill out this online survey: Our mission is to provide for the safe and reliable distribution of natural gas throughout our service area and our goal is to extend gas service to all eligible customers. Prior to extending facilities to serve new customers we survey the area and complete an economic analysis to determine if the proposed project is feasible. Fill out the form below and encourage your neighbors to do the same. Completing the online survey helps determine the amount of interest and the potential new gas load to an area. If you have questions, contact our business development representative(s) at (803) 323-5377. Site Occupant: ResidentialCommercialIndustrial Contact Information: First Name Last Name Company Name Email Daytime Phone Other Phone Service Location: Service Street Address Service City County YorkCherokee Service Zip Code Subdivision Name Mailing Address (if different from service address): Mailing Street Address Mailing City Mailing State Mailing Zip Information Regarding Gas Usage: What energy source do you currently use to heat your home? ElectricityPropaneFuel Oil What energy source do you use for water heating? ElectricityPropaneFuel Oil What energy source do you use for cooking? ElectricityPropaneFuel Oil If gas service becomes available what appliances would you convert to gas? HeatRangeOvenWater HeaterClothes DryerLogsOther If you selected other above, list additional appliances: If gas service becomes available would you begin using gas immediately or wait until you replace an appliance? IMMEDIATELYWHEN I REPLACE APPLIANCES