Levelized Billing
Avoid surprises in your bill by paying the same amount each month.
Sign up in May for LBP (Levelized Billing Program).

What is Levelized Billing
Often referred to as budget billing, we calculate a fixed billing amount based on the past 12-months of usage at your residence. Budget Billing allows you to stabilize your monthly energy costs by paying the same amount each month — preventing spikes in your bill. Instead of paying large bills in the winter and small bills in the summer, the amount is spread out over the year.
Most customers experience higher bills in the winter, since natural gas is typically used for heating. You can avoid the roller coaster ride of gas bills by paying a set amount each month starting in June. With typical low usage over the summer, you’ll build up a credit going into the winter months which helps lower the stress of high winter bills.
How Does It Work?
Based on the past 12-month billing history at the service address, we will calculate your payment amount, which will be billed monthly for eleven (11) months. On the 12th month (May), we calculate the difference between the actual gas charges and the payments received.
• If your actual usage at the end of the term is MORE than the payments received, you will be billed for the difference.
• If your actual usage is LESS than your budgeted payments, a credit will be applied to your account.
• There are NO FEES for using this program.
How Do I Enroll?
Enrollment in the Levelized Billing Program (LBP) takes place in May and billing begins in June.
You must have 12 months of billing history at the service address to be eligible for the program.
Call our customer service department at (803) 323-5304 AFTER you receive your May bill.
Current Customers
If you are already using the Levelized Billing Program (LBP), we will analyze your account after the reconciliation bill in May. If changes are needed, we will adjust the equal payment amount accordingly. The revised payment amount will be shown on your billing statement following the reconciliation.
- CREDITS – If you consumed LESS gas than was originally estimated at the beginning of your budget billing cycle, a credit will show on your final billing and be applied to the account. The credit amount will be applied to next year’s calculation, reducing the amount of your levelized monthly payment. No refund checks will be issued.
- AMOUNT DUE – If you consumed MORE gas than was originally estimated at the beginning of your budget billing cycle, that amount will be reflected on the May statement and should be paid by the due date.
Adjustments will be made, if necessary, going into the next budget bill cycle and the new amount will be shown on your June statement.
For Questions, or to Enroll call Customer Service
(803) 323-5304
Hours M-F | 8:30am – 5:00pm