The Showroom will be CLOSED Thursday & Friday (October 24 & 25) for private events.

Natural Gas Leak
& Corrosion Survey

In order to ensure the safe delivery of natural gas to your home or business, YCNGA conducts over 40,000 safety inspections each year.  These atmospheric corrosion and meter inspections are part of our routine safety practices and required by the Department of Transportation to be completed every three to five years on your property, or yearly if in a business district as defined by the Authority.

What is a Leak Survey?

A typical leak survey is performed by a technician who uses a leak detecting device and walks the area between the gas main, located in the street or alley, to your gas meter. The technician will require access to a portion of your yard depending on the distance and location of the service line and meter.  A typical survey does not require digging and will last just a few minutes.

Are utility representatives allowed on my property without my permission?

As a utility, our tariff states that authorized YCNGA employees or contractors have “full and free access to the premises of the customer at all reasonable hours.” Our contractors and employees have been instructed to knock on your door and ask for permission if they must enter your property through a gate before doing an inspection. If there is no answer, our representative will leave a notice and attempt to complete the survey at a later date.  For your safety and for regulatory compliance reasons, YCNGA will follow-up with a phone call, email, or letter to coordinate a time to complete this important inspection.

When are Inspections Held?

If you are an existing customer in our system, or have natural gas located on your property we will inspect your property every 3-5 years, or yearly if you are in a business district (as defined by the Authority).

– Spring/Summer 2024 – 

Inspections will be ongoing in Tega Cay and the northern areas of Fort Mill

YCNGA has contracted with Surview Field Services to complete the leak surveys and meter inspections.

Our employees and contractors carry identification and drive vehicles equipped with a YCNGA logo or contractor magnet with a YCNGA logo. Don’t hesitate to ask for identification if you see a technician on your property.


  • YCNGA Photo ID badge
  • Surview Field Services ID badge
  • Safety vest
  • Vehicle with YCNGA and/or Surview Field Services logo

How can you help?

The survey is completed outside your home or business and will likely occur during normal business hours between 8am and 5pm. The technician completing the inspection will never ask to enter your home, but may knock on your door if the gas meter is located behind your home or in a gated area.

Please ensure that your meter is not blocked by shrubs or other debris.

If you receive notice that our inspector needs access to a gated area, please respond immediately so that we can complete the survey in a timely manner.  When the technician arrives, please leave gates unlocked and keep dogs away. Safety is a priority and these routine inspections help us maintain a safe and reliable source of energy for our customers.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at (803) 323-5304

The Importance of Protecting Your Gas Meter

Keep your gas meter and the shut-off valve beneath it clear of obstructions like overgrown plants, hoses, or debris. This ensures our meter reader can accurately read your meter, safety inspectors can easily check for issues, and emergency personnel can quickly access the meter if needed. Your safety is our priority, so please make sure the meter and valve are always visible and accessible.

Allowing your gas meter to remain obstructed can lead to serious safety concerns and may result in your service being disconnected if no corrective measures are taken after you’ve been notified of the issue.

The Authority is guided by the South Carolina Code of Regulations for Public Service Commission, which states:

103–425. Configuration and Location of Meter
A.      No customer’s meter shall be configured and/or installed in any location where it may reasonably be expected to be exposed to damage, impairment or in any unduly dirty or inaccessible location.
B.      Outdoor meters shall be used where practicable.
C.      Each customer shall provide and maintain at the customer’s expense a suitable and convenient place, agreeable to the gas system, for the location of meters, where the meter will be readily accessible at any reasonable hour for the purpose of reading, testing, repairing, etc., and such other appliances owned by the gas system and placed on the premises of the customers shall be placed as to be readily accessible at such times as are necessary, and the authorized agent of the gas system shall have authority to visit such meters and appurtenances at such times as are necessary in the conduct of the business of the gas system.

See also: 103–442. Reasons for Denial or Discontinuance of Service.

South Carolina Code of State Regulations, Volume 48, Issue 3, effective March 22, 2024


If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at (803) 323-5304