National and Local Awards for the Authority
It’s been another award winning year for the Authority
Winner of 3 industry awards and recognized by the local United Way for giving
In July, York County Natural Gas Authority received several national awards from the American Public Gas Association (APGA) for excellence in the areas of community service and marketing. The APGA is a not-for-profit nationwide association for municipal & community-owned natural gas systems with over 730 members in 37 states.
This year the Authority was honored to be the first recipient of the APGA Community Service Award. This award recognizes the gas system and its employees for their efforts in improving and enhancing the quality of life in the community it serves. Through our corporate vision and values, the Authority works diligently to develop relationships and partnerships that support our communities.
This past year we became a leading supporter and sponsor of Miracle Park and partnered with York Technical College’s Career Connect Program. In addition we promoted and supported safety and education programs through the YMCA, York County Museum and Kiwanis Terrific Kids program.

The Authority was also recognized by the United Way of York County with the Summit Award. During the fall campaign, employees doubled their participation and contributions from the previous year to support local families who struggle with poverty.
Employees of the Authority take an active role in community involvement whether by volunteering their time, serving on boards and committees, or donating items. This past year employees held a Souper Bowl Food Drive, donated toys to the Levine Children’s Hospital and Toys for Happiness campaign, gave socks and blankets to the Men’s Warming Shelter and donated mittens and hats to a local housing complex. Donations were also collected to provide an “Ice Cream Experience” for the Children’s Attention Home.

APGA Marketing & Sales Award
First Place – Safety Videos
In the APGA Marketing & Sales Award category, the Authority won both the First Place and Third Place award. The First Place honor was given for a series of safety videos written by the marketing staff and produced by Comporium. The animated series features employees in safety gear narrating important safety topics including: leak detection, safe digging and home appliance piping.
Life takes energy… and we want YOU to be energy safe!

Third Place – Stephenson Administration Center Renovations & Grand Opening
The Third Place honor was given for the extensive renovations and transformation of the Stephenson Administration Building into the new Sales & Appliance Showroom. In addition to much needed office space for employees, the newly renovated facility boasts a spacious 5,300 square foot retail sales center equipped with lifestyle centers that demonstrate the many uses of natural gas for both residential and commercial customers.
The Showroom is intended to both demonstrate and educate consumers on the benefits and efficiencies of natural gas. Included in the interior decor are displays that highlight local industry and manufacturing, along with examples of how the building itself utilizes new natural gas technologies in space heating, cooling and water heating.
Life takes energy and it is a great honor to provide reliable and efficient energy to York County and the Blacksburg area of Cherokee County. York County Natural Gas Authority is the 11th largest public gas system in the nation with over 72,000 customers. We are honored to be recognized for the efforts we put forth in promoting domestic and clean energy while supporting the communities we serve!