The Showroom will be closed for private events 2pm-5pm on Wed. July 24 & 8:30am-12pm on Fri. July 26

LEED Silver Certification 2014

LEED Silver Certification 2014

LEED Silver Certification 2014
for the Customer Service Center and CNG Station

LEED certification is a rating sys­tem designed by the U.S. Green Build­ings Council. It provides a third-party certification that structures—includ­ing homes, commercial construction and existing buildings—satisfy green building criteria in areas such as mate­rials and resources, sustainable sites, innovation in design, and energy and atmosphere. LEED is considered the benchmark of sustainable construc­tion standards.

YCNGA achieved LEED certification for implementing practical and measurable strategies and solutions aimed at achieving high performance in: sustainable site development,  water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality.